Wanna see something ?
This is a poster I did with Miss TeddySuera for Comparative Literature. We had to compare 2 works from a different region; Tuesdays with Morrie from Mitch Albom (U.S) and Tuesdays With Bapak from a blog posted by Nuraina A. Samad Ismail ( Malaysia ).
Well, the title is nearly the same but the main story is different. Nuraina's blog is compilation of her memory with her late father, Allahyarham Datuk Abdul Samad Ismail and her family while Albom's story is about his visits to his teacher's house, Morrie Schwartz, who suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ( some kind of a fatal nerve disease) and what Schwartz taught him about how to live their live to the fullest.
So, we had to do a poster showing a difference or a similarity between the 2 works.
We chose similarity of the concept of love and that is love lives for an eternity. The book that you see in the poster resembled how the memory of someone that we loved is embodied or keep. The ring resembled relationship of 2 person but what we wanted viewers to see is the shape of the shadow. It is the shape of love and the shape came from the 2 rings on the book. Furthermore, if you look carefully, you can see the symbol of INFINITY from the ring. The combination of the shadow and the symbol means eternal love. This is the concept that we wanted people to see...
( hope you guys can see it).
But, how about the book? Well, have you ever read Shakespeare's Sonnet 18, in the last 2 stanza's " as long as men can live and the eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to
thee ". Well, the last 2 stanzas mean that as long as men continued to read and see the sonnet, the memory of the persona's loved one will continue to live forever. And the poem is embodied in a written form --> the book. Both Albom's and Nuraina's work are embodied in a book
(Nuraina's blog was later booked) so we can say that their memory of their loved ones will always stay forever as long as people read the book.
Okay, enough with the poster's explanation.
Untuk pengetahuan pembaca-pembaca semuaa, ini poster telah di buat " last minute ".
Bukan ape, minggu ini saya ada 3 presentation, jadi saya terpaksa berkejar untuk menyiapkan ketiga2 presentation. Yang ini adalah last.
Satu perkara yang tidak dapat saya lupakan semasa menyiapkan poster ini ialah menyusahkan enche Syahmi gemuk untuk pergi ke kedai printing malam-malam dan print. Ok, so syahmi start motornye yang brek tak makan tu dan membawa saya ke kedai printing. Sampai sahaja di kedai itu, kami menguruskan poster tersebut. Okeh, boleh print tapi kene ambil tengah malam, pukul 12.30. Terpaksa laa. Jadi kami pun meninggalkan kedai itu. Sebelum saya membonceng mutusikal enche Syami, saya telah memasukkan telefon di sebelah poket kiri selur trek saya dan wallet di poket seluar kanan. Lepas itu, saya pun boncenglaa itu mutur. Sedang dalam perjalanan nak masuk UKM, tiba-tiba, saya perasan bahawa kocek seluar sebelah kanan ringan semacam. Aikk, alamak, apa yang cicir ni. Rupe2nye, handset cicir. Maka, saya jadi sangat kaget dan mula meraba-raba seluar saya. Syahmi terpaksa berenti kerana tengok saya kalut semacam.
Sekali tu, rupe-rupenye...... kocek sebelah kanan itu koyak. Rupe2nye handset itu telah meluncur jatuh ke bahagian kaki seluar. Betapa saya berasa sangat lega yet sangaaattt la buduh kerana tidak cek samada seluar tu okey atau tak. Syahmi pun hampir memarahi saya, Tapi, tak apa, salah saya juga. Jadi kami pulang ke kolej smabil ketawa sepanjang jalan. Malunye....pergh...tidak tertanggung.
Balik bilik saya jahit itu kocek. XD
Kepada enche Syahmi gemuk, minta maaf kerana buat anda kaget saperti beruk. Maklumlah, tengah kalut.
Kepada miss Livb, sori kerana bertukar2 masa nak pergi ke kedai itu.
Apa-apa pun, terima kasih kepada kedua2 mereka kerana sudi membantu.
Saya janji akan buat lagi....eh?! Tak menyusahakan kamu2 lagi.
Itu sahaja.
kempunan nak merempit tengah-tengah malam bersama nadiah.
aih? ade orang mengajak nampak? bole je. breng breng ~!
sampai ke kaki tu klu nek moto. XD
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